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Climate Law and Governance Day 2016 Event Report

Together with these new partners, the coalition of CLGI partners hosted a series of seminars, conferences and symposia world-wide, culminating in the second annual Climate Law and Governance Day on Friday 11 November 2016, as an official CoP22 side event.

FS-UNEP E-Learning Courses on Climate Finance

The FS-UNEP Centre's 6 months online courses focusing on Climate Finance, one for Renewable Energy (RE) as well as one for Climate Adaptation are now open for registration

UNITAR E-Course on Climate Change Diplomacy: Negotiating Effectively Under the UNFCCC

An online course to develop participants’ understanding of the climate change policy framework by building an appreciation of the science, causes and impacts of climate change, the history of the policy making process and the UNFCCC framework, and will also consider the pertinent challenges currently facing diplomats and international decision makers in making progress with what is currently on the negotiating table. The course will take a close look at the negotiations to-date. The course will take a close look at gender in the negotiations and also the specific interests of parties who are most vulnerable to impacts of climate change.

Pacific Climate Law and Governance – International Symposium 2017

The Pacific Climate Law and Governance will feature a climate leaders plenary panel for sharing cutting-edge legal challenges and innovations in the region and beyond, and three legal expert seminars for inter-active discussions and debates to advance climate action

Climate Law and Governance Specialization Course

Legal processes and instruments are important considerations in responding to climate change and serve as essential vehicles for implementing policy precepts and objectives across many sectors and fields that relate to climate law and governance.

Workshop on Climate Litigation

This workshop aims at bringing together interested scholars, lawyers as well as international experts involved in concrete cases to present different approaches and best practices of climate litigation.

Climate Resilience: What’s Law Got To Do With It?

This roundtable event took place alongside the Partnership Day during the pre-COP in Fiji. The event capitalised on the mobilisation of the climate law and governance community to Fiji for the Pre-COP.

2017 Climate Law and Governance Specialisation Course

This interactive capacity-building day introduced participants to timely issues concerning legal and governance challenges and opportunities for the implementation of the NDCs and the Paris Agreement. With the event booked to capacity, forty five delegates, civil society representatives and students took part in the day.

Climate Law and Governance Day 2017

CLGD 2017 welcomed over 270 jurists, legal researchers, IGO officers, parliamentarians, delegates, legal professionals, students, and professors, to discuss the research and capacity building obstacles and opportunities to addressing these legal and institutional challenges.

Climate Law and Governance Roundtable 2018

The Climate Law and Governance Roundtable 2018 on Governing Climate Action - Rule of Law and Justice Dimensions of Implementing the Paris Agreement provided a transparent opportunity to propose themes and activities for Climate Law and Governance Day 2018 (CLGD 2018) in Katowice, Poland, aiming to build synergies and scale up law and governance frameworks […]