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Climate Law and Governance Day 2019

REGISTER NOW for Climate Law and Governance Day 2019; a symposium during UNFCCC COP25.  Climate Law and Governance Day (CLGD) brings together climate law experts, but also experts from other legal branches including public law, tort law, financial law, international economic law as well as governance experts, delegates and policy practitioners to exchange knowledge and […]

UNFCCC-CISDL Workshop on International Law & Governance Contributions to the Implementation of the UNFCCC Paris Agreement: Investment and Oceans

About this Event On Saturday 26 October 2019, the Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Secretariat convened a workshop on International Law & Governance Contributions to the Implementation of the UNFCCC Paris Agreement, with a special focus on Investment and Oceans. The workshop took […]

Side Event at Costa Rica PreCOP25: Legal Innovations to Enhance Climate Action: Nature Based Solutions and Human Rights Approaches

This side event at the Costa Rica PreCOP focused on "Legal Innovations to Enhance Climate Action: Nature Based Solutions and Human Rights Approaches". The event was held as a chaired colloquium or conversational dialogue. The session began with brief interventions by experts followed by questions formulated by the chair. Panellists analysed the legal approaches at […]

Academic Conference alongside PRECoP25: Legal Advances and Challenges in the Implementation of the Paris Agreement: National and International Experiences

This special academic event took place alongside the PreCOP25. Focusing on "Legal Advances and Challenges in the Implementation of the Paris Agreement: National and International Experiences", the event featured two expert panels, the first on Legal challenges posed by the climate emergency: implementation of the Paris Agreement and the second on Legal Innovations to globally meet the objectives […]

The Inaugural Climate Law and Governance Day

In Paris on the 4th of December 2015, during the 21st Conference of the Parties of United NationsFramework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Climate Law and Governance Day was inaugurated at the École de Droit de La Sorbonne (Paris 1). Over 156 countries have now submitted Climate Action Plans as Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) […]

Creating Climate Law Capacity for Compliance – Advancing Legal and Governance Capacity-Building to Support Paris Agreement Implementation: CLGI Session at Capacity-Building Day

On 4 December, CLGI convened a session on Creating Climate Law Capacity for Compliance - Advancing Legal and Governance Capacity-Building to Support Paris Agreement Implementation, as part of Capacity-building Day at COP25 in Madrid. This special day formed part of the 2nd Capacity-Building Hub, hosted by the Paris Committee on Capacity-building (PCCB). The Hub, which […]

Enhancing Ambition through International Instruments & Innovations from the Paris Agreement & Beyond: Official side event at COP25

On 7 December 2019, at 13:15, the Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL), in partnership with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Secretariat, convened an official side event at COP25, with a focus on Enhancing Ambition through International Instruments & Innovations from the Paris Agreement & Beyond. In this event, leading legal […]

Achieving Climate Ambition and Implementation through Legal Change

Regulation and institutional reform are increasingly being used around the world to enhance ambition, implement the Paris Agreement and NDC targets, and stimulate cooperation. The law can require climate mitigation, adaptation and finance outcomes, send signals to markets, and incentivise transition. This panel at the UK Pavilion at COP25 provided a briefing on recent climate […]

Pioneering Legal Solutions to Climate Change: Insights from Climate Law & Governance Day 2019

Legal & institutional transformation is urgently required to support efforts to limit global temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels; to adapt to the adverse impacts of climate change; to foster climate resilience & low greenhouse gas emissions development; & to make finance flows consistent with a pathway towards sustainable development. In a short briefing […]

CLGI’s Executive Secretary Professor Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger granted the Leverhulme Trust Visiting Professorship award

Professor Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger, Executive Secretary of the CLGI, has been awarded the prestigious 2019 Visiting Professorship award from Leverhulme Trust. Professor Cordonier Segger is a full professor of international law at the University of Waterloo, Canada, and a fellow of the Balsillie School of International Affairs, who also serves as Executive Secretary of the United […]

Law and Politics in the UN Climate Regime: A Preview of the CoP25 Climate Conference

Is implementation of the Paris Agreement on track? What are the Agreement’s prospects for success? Students, researchers and those interested in international climate law and governance are warmly invited to this talk with special guest speaker Prof. Daniel Bodansky, chaired by Prof. Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger. The conference will seek to review developments in the international […]

Climate Law & Governance Day 2019: Most Significant Gathering of International Legal Community on Climate Change Since Paris

On Friday 6 December 2019, on Spain’s historic National Constitution Day (Día de la Constitución), over 300 participants from across the world gathered at the Faculty of Law at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid for the 5th annual Climate Law & Governance Day (CLGD) symposium alongside the UNFCCC COP25, marking the event the biggest since the […]