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Enhancing climate action through rights-based, gender-responsive, and integrated approaches

This session will provide a platform to unpack the findings of the review to address SRHR needs in the climate crisis at programme and policy levels and to advocate for more gender-responsive climate commitments in the NDCs, and the need to bring young people to the forefront of policy dialogue. Speaker(s): United Nations Population Fund […]

Towards a Robust VCM: Government Actions, Private Sector Engagement, and Carbon Market Integrity

Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) is key to achieving the Paris Agreement goals. The side event will highlight recent developments in the VCM including discussions on carbon market integrity, increasing efforts of the governments, and engagements with the private sector to mobilize climate financing. Speakers: Climate Change Center, YoungSook Yoo and Choi Jai-chul; AORA, Jin Yong […]

Sharing best practices and lessons learned from capacity building for implementation of Article 6

For the robust implementation of Article 6, it is important to strengthen support for capacity building and international coordination. To this end, this event shares experience of the capacity building activities, including institutional arrangement for authorization, registry and A6 reporting. Speakers: UN agencies, research institutes, Multilateral Development Banks, Parties, private sector being involved with Article […]

Opportunities and challenges in the development of LTS in Latin America and the role of finance

Share progress and good practices in the development of Long-Term Strategies in Latin America and discuss the role of climate finance to accelerate resilience and decarbonization, highlighting the Peruvian experience. Speakers: Min. of Env-Perú Min. of Env-Chile Min. of Env-Colombia Min. of Env-Argentina Climate Promise UNDP NDC Partnership Decarboost 2050 Pathways IADB. COP27, Blue Zone, […]

The potential of REDD+ as a Cooperative Approaches and the need for capacity building

Recognizing the potential of REDD+ and how each party will incorporate REDD+ towards their NDC possibly through CA. With REDD+ expected to be implemented at a larger scale, it is essential to identify the capacity-building requirements under current circumstances. Speakers: Ms Sheam Satkuru (Executive Director, ITTO), UN-REDD Programme, Korea Forest Service, Dr Hirata (REDD+ center, […]

No Solution for Me, Without Me: UN’s Efforts on Climate Justice through Local Action in Cities.

The transition to a just and inclusive urban environment must put community needs at the forefront. This session will discuss co-benefits, using examples of local climate action, that build resilience and share ideas for strengthening policy frameworks that unlock climate finance at the local level. Speakers: Mahmoud Mohieldin, UN Climate Change High-Level Champion (tbc); Mia […]

MP Transport-Engineering the vision for climate resilient transport (iLab)

The event explores critical levers for a 1.5 degree-aligned, equitable and resilient transformation: matching the demand/supply of zero emissions fuels; developing a resilient workforce; and creating appropriate national/international policies to support mitigation/adaptation of the maritime sector Speakers: Please see further information under COP27, Blue Zone, Side Event, Action Room 2, Lotus

Climate Action through Innovation, Implementation and Inclusive Multi-level Governance

For urgent climate action, areas such as carbon neutrality, climate stabilization, global commons, nature, indigenous communities and gender in and beyond national jurisdiction become key. This event will bring diverse perspectives on innovation, implementation and multi-level governance approaches. Speakers: NEDO-ICEF; Columbia University; Clean Energy Ministerial; MOEFCC; TERI-Act4Earth-WSDS; Indigenous Information Network Cop27, Blue Zone, Side Event, […]

Green hydrogen: how to reconcile North/South stakes in the development of the future market

Green hydrogen could be the key to achieving carbon neutrality and a new geopolitics is emerging. But what about countries of Middle East and Mediterranean region, at the heart of the geopolitics of oil, whose energy dependency factors will be profoundly changed by the rise of hydrogen? Speakers: • Nadia Maïzi, Mines Paris - PSL […]

From global commitments to local action on biodiversity and climate Launching the ENACT Partnership for Nature-based Solutions

In this high-level session, the governments of Egypt and Germany, in cooperation with the International Union for Conservation (IUCN) will formally launch the COP27 Presidency’s ENACT Partnership for NbS. ENACT is a voluntary coalition of state and non-state actors working on NbS to foster collaboration, bring coherence to their commitments and activities, and drive political […]