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UNFCCC-CISDL Workshop on International Law & Governance Contributions to the Implementation of the UNFCCC Paris Agreement: Investment and Oceans

About this Event

On Saturday 26 October 2019, the Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Secretariat convened a workshop on International Law & Governance Contributions to the Implementation of the UNFCCC Paris Agreement, with a special focus on Investment and Oceans.

The workshop took place as a half-day long event and will be held at the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law. It presented viewpoints of leading international and national legal experts in the spheres of climate change impacts in investments and oceans.

The workshop consisted of the following two panels:

1) The UNFCCC Paris Agreement and Katowice Rulebook: Advancing Ambition and Compliance on Climate Change.

This legal experts panel focuses on key questions in international and domestic law and policy on climate change: What are the international community’s obligations under the Paris Agreement and how are they being implemented?  How can domestic legal and governance reforms foster higher ambition and compliance across the spectrum of developing and developed states? How does the guidance provided in the ‘Katowice Rulebook’ contribute to advance the objectives of the Paris Agreement nationally and internationally?

2Climate Law and Governance Innovations for Sustainable Investment and Resilient Oceans.

This international legal experts panel will focus on domestic legal innovations addressing climate change in relation to investment and oceans: How can the UNFCCC Paris Agreement and its Katowice Rulebook guide efforts to address climate investment and conserve our oceans? What innovative laws and governance practices can incentivize climate change-related investments nationally and internationally? What legal and institutional reforms can protect the world’s oceans and contribute to global responses to climate change?

The panels brought together leading experts, researchers, academics and other key actors to identify the critical issues in each of the topic areas.

Video Highlights

Prof. Michael Mehling, Professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, article 6 of the Paris Agreement in the context of the climate investment challenge.

Mr. Erick Kassongo, Associate Fellow at CISDL and Director of Centre Congolais pour le Développement Durable (CODED), provides insights on opportunities for legal innovation. 

More Information

Thank you to all who contributed to and attended this special workshop. The event report will be available soon. If you would like to know more information, please email