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Practical tools for Empowering people, access to justice and peaceful societies

Innovative Approaches to the Inner and Outer Work of Peacebuilding: Building Architecture for SDG 16 Personally, Locally, Globally
Dr Alexandra Harrington, Lead Counsel for Peace, Justice and Accountability at CISDL and 2018 – 2019 Fulbright Canada Research Chair in Global Governance at the Balsillie School of International Affairs, is presenting as part of this one-day course, taking place on 12 July at the UN.


The course is organised by the UN Peace Messenger Organization Pathways To Peace, the Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL), Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Scilla Elworthy’s initiative, Business Plan for Peace, the Heart Ambassadors and the HeartMath Research Institute.

Read more about the course here.