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Climate Law & Governance Specialisation Course 2019: Addressing the Capacity Crevasse

On Sunday 8 December 2019, over 170 candidates registered from over 20 countries for an in-person and online 2019 Climate Law and Governance Specialisation Course at La Fundación para la Investigación sobre el Derecho y la Empresa (FIDE), in Madrid, Spain. Instructors and learners from Chile, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, Peru, Morocco, Bangladesh South Africa, Norway, the United States, the United Kingdom, Liberia, Sweden, Canada, Colombia, Australia, Japan, India and other countries took part, with nearly 80 new specialists receiving their certification at the day’s end.
The course, held alongside the UNFCCC CoP 25, was coordinated by CLGI in collaboration with partners including FIDE, the Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL) and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). General counsel, prosecutors, advisers, researchers, board members, graduate students and climate programme coordinators were among the nearly 80 successful participants who earned an international accreditation for completing the course. Taught by renowned legal experts, the course gives candidates the tools to deepen their understanding of the legal and institutional mechanisms available to implement their NDCs and the Paris Agreement, and enhance their awareness of crucial legal and governance challenges and opportunities.

Read the press release in English here and in Spanish here.