Seeking an international specialisation in climate law and governance? Through this half-day course during UNFCCC COP, earn a certification from the Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL), with leading speakers from UN-Environment, the IUCN, the EBRD and other partners, taught by top experts from the Universities of Cambridge, McGill, MIT, Oslo and others.
Laws and institutions are crucial instruments for promoting sustainable development, making finance flows consistent with a pathway towards low-carbon and climate-resilient systems, and ensuring full implementation of the Paris Agreement.
In order to share knowledge and strengthen capacity on legal and institutional climate reforms and frameworks, the Climate Law and Governance Initiative (CLGI), which also coordinates the annual Climate Law and Governance Day knowledge-sharing symposium, convenes this specialisation course with the support of key partners. Building on the specialisation course provided during UNFCCC COP24 and COP23, this half-day training takes place during the CoP25 on Sunday, 8 December 2019.
This interactive, intensive capacity-building course will provide an opportunity for candidates to:
- Learn from the insights of renowned legal experts, deepening their understanding of the legal and institutional mechanisms available to implement their NDCs and the Paris Agreement
- Be introduced to crucial legal and governance challenges and opportunities, including how laws can strengthen mitigation, adaptation and resilience, and promote climate finance, compliance and transparency under the Paris Agreement, also activate loss and damage mechanisms and address human rights concerns.
Click here to view the programme.
Online tickets are LIMITED in availability: If you miss out on a ticket, PLEASE EMAIL US at, to be added to a waitlist.
PLEASE NOTE: Registration is available for in-person or online participation. Online participation will allow candidates to view proceedings, but not to ask questions via video: questions may be asked by typing in an online chat forum.
Want to know more? Email us at or visit our website:
**UPDATE: With the change in the location of COP25 to Madrid, the location of this event has been moved from the University of Chile Faculty of Law to FIDE. We sincerely thank FIDE their generosity in providing this new venue, and the University of Chile, for their gracious hospitality in having offered to provide the venue for this event before the change in location of COP25.
Want to know more? Email us at or visit our website: