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Climate Law and Governance Roundtable at Bonn, 22 June 2019

Each year during the Subsidiary Bodies meetings in Bonn, the CLGI Secretariat convenes a roundtable discussion with some of its core partners to determine research priorities on climate law and governance, focus in depth on a selected current topic and to identify suitable themes for the upcoming CLGD.
The 2019 Climate Law and Governance Roundtable was held on 22 June 2019, alongside the meeting of the UNFCCC Bonn Climate Change Conference, and was convened by the Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL), the Centre for International Governance Innovations, and other key partners of the Climate Law & Governance Initiative (CLGI).

The CLGI is particularly grateful for the support of leading law firms Baker McKenzie and Becker Büttner Held, who made generous contributions to the event.

The purpose of the roundtable was to help shape the law and governance research, education, capacity building and action agendas needed for effective implementation of the Paris Agreement and NDCs. The event aimed to address these challenges by reporting on research, reform and capacity projects launched during previous Climate Law and Governance Days, share knowledge on new education, policy and capacity building work, and identify gaps and propose themes and activities for Climate Law and Governance Day 2019 to help our networks to build synergies and scale up Climate Law and Governance together.

Our discussion flowed over two sessions, focussing first on Advancing Paris Agreement Innovations – Transparency, Markets & Non-Market Instruments, Finance & Compliance Rules. The second session covered Scaling-up National Climate Action – Governance, Innovation, Participation, Rights & Justice. The CLGI would like to thank all speakers, intervenors and participants who contributed to what proved to be an insightful and diverse discussion.

The report on the findings from the event is available here. If you would like to find out more information about the day, please email us at