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Climate Law and Governance Day 2019

REGISTER NOW for Climate Law and Governance Day 2019; a symposium during UNFCCC COP25.


Climate Law and Governance Day (CLGD) brings together climate law experts, but also experts from other legal branches including public law, tort law, financial law, international economic law as well as governance experts, delegates and policy practitioners to exchange knowledge and experiences. This year, it is held alongside the UNFCCC CoP25 in Madrid, Spain.

View the programme here and view the event poster here.

The themes for CLGD 2019 are:

  1. Advancing Paris Agreement Innovations – New Rules for Transparency, Markets & Non-Market Instruments, Finance, Loss and Damage, Compliance and Safeguards
  2. Scaling-up National & Regional Climate Legal Frameworks for Action – Effective Climate Governance, Ecosystems-Based and Human Rights Responses, Human Mobility and Climate Justice
  3. Local & Global Interlinkages & Engagement – Climate in Regimes on Oceans, Biodiversity, Ozone, Civil Aviation, Trade and Investment, Peace and Security

We are delighted to announce the diverse line-up of expert panels, roundtables and plenaries that will be taking place at Climate Law and Governance Day 2019:

Experts Panel: Scaling-up Paris Agreement Implementation through Climate Legislation

Hosted by European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL), McGill University, Centre for Energy, Environment & Natural Resources Governance (CEENRG), University of Cambridge

Chair: Ms. Vesselina Haralampieva (Senior Counsel, EBRD)


Experts Panel: Exploring the Effects of Transparency in Multiple-level Climate Governance

Hosted by Transparency International, Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands

Chairs: Mr Brice Böhmer (Global Coordinator, Climate Governance Integrity) & Ms Nila Kamil (PhD Candidate, Transparency in Climate Change)


Experts Panel: Propuestas para el Anteproyecto de Ley de Cambio Climático y Transición Energética en España

Hosted by Fundación para la Investigación sobre el Derecho y la Empresa (FIDE)

Chair: Prof. Blanca Lozano Cutanda (Professor, CUNEF / Academic Counsel, Gómez-Acebo & Pombo)


Experts Panel: Advancing Ambition & Compliance on Climate Change through Law & Governance Innovations for Sustainable Investment & Resilient Oceans

Hosted by UNFCCC Secretariat, CISDL & University of Oslo / PluriCourts.

Chairs: Prof Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger (Senior Director, CISDL / Fellow, University of Cambridge / Professor, University of Waterloo) & Adv. Hafida Lahiouel (Director of Legal Affairs, UNFCCC Secretariat)


Experts & Practitioners Roundtable: Advances in Climate Litigation

Hosted by Cool World Institute (USA) & Centre for Climate Justice (Bangladesh)

Chair: Mr Dean Wallraff (Executive Director, Cool World Institute, USA), Adv. Hafijul Khan (Executive Director, Center for Climate Justice-Bangladesh)


Experts Panel: Una Constitución Climática Global a través de la Gobernanza y el Derecho en un Contexto Complejo (

Hosted by CONCLIMA (CEDAT/ Universidad Rovira i Virgili) and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Faculty of Law.

Chair: Prof. Dr. Susana Borràs Pentinat (Professor, Universidad Rovira i Virgili and Director, CONCLIMA).


Experts Panel: Climate Protection Problems and Policy Directions from a Post-COP24 Polish Perspective

Hosted by University of Silesia in Katowice Faculty of Law and Administration, Supreme Bar Association and Katowice Bar Association.

Chair: Adv. Magdalena Stryja (University of Silesia in Katowice / Head of Science and Development Committee. Katowice Bar Association / Legal Fellow, CISDL)


Experts Panel: Opportunities provided by Litigation in addressing the Climate Change Crisis

Hosted by The Government of the Republic of Vanuatu, McGill University Faculty of Law & Australian National University

Chair: Honorable Leingkone Tao Bruno (Minister for Climate Change Adaptation, Republic of Vanuatu)


Roundtable: Advancing the Paris Agreement’s Goals through Low Carbon and Energy Efficient Procurement

Hosted by the George Washington University Law School & the United Nations Environment Programme (UN-Environment)

Chairs: Prof.  LeRoy Paddock (Associate Dean for Environmental Studies, GWU Law School)


Experts Panel: Energy Transition, Regulation and Climate Change

Hosted by the European Federation of Energy Law Associations (EFELA) & Spanish Association of Energy Law (AEDEN)

Chair: Mr. Dr. Vicente López-Ibor Mayor (Chairman, European Federation of Energy Law Associations (EFELA) & Spanish Association of Energy Law (AEDEN)).


Panel Discussion: SDGs 5 & 16 in the Paris Agreement 

Hosted by International Law Association of Colombia; International Law Association of Canada & Interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Change (IC3) – University of Waterloo.

Chair: Ms. Anusheh Fawad (CISDL)


Roundtable: International Investment, Disclosure & Dispute Settlement

Hosted by Hughes Hall Centre for Climate Change Engagement, University of Cambridge; Institute for Law and Environment of Spain, & Baker McKenzie

Chairs: Dr. Wendy Miles, QC (Debevoise & Plimpton LLP & Vice President of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Court of Arbitration) & Dr. Markus Gehring (University of Cambridge)


Roundtable: Prospects for Stronger Climate Litigation in Latin America: Cases, Approaches and Opportunities

Hosted by Institute for Climate and Society (iCS), Conectas Human Rights and Interamerican Association for Environmental Defense (AIDA).

Chair: Mr. Caio Borges (Coordinator, Law and Climate Program, iCS)


Experts Panel: Leading Spanish Climate Law & Policy Studies

Hosted by Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Faculty of Law and CEDAT

Chairs: Prof. Dr. Rosa M. Fernández Egea (Professor, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) & Prof. Dr. Teresa Fajardo (Professor, Universidad de Granada)*


* Subject to change / invited but not confirmed.


Click here to register today.


To join the CLGI, host/sponsor events &/or share climate law & governance knowledge / innovations to implement the UNFCCC Paris Agreement, please contact the CLGI Secretariat at


The Climate Law & Governance Initiative Secretariat is based in the University of Cambridge in the UK (CEENRG), McGill University in Canada (CISDL), the University of Chile in Chile (CDA) & the University of Nairobi in Kenya (CASELAP), led by a Programme Committee from a consortium of partners & expert advisors.