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Climate Law and Governance Day 2018

CLGD 2018: Advancing Law & Governance Contributions to Climate Action under the Paris Agreement

In collaboration with leading faculties of law of the University of Silesia, the 2018 Climate Law and Governance Day (CLGD) took place on 07 December 2018, during the 24th Conference of the Parties (COP) of the UNFCCC in Katowice, Poland. CLGD 2018 followed key preparatory events throughout 2018, especially the CLGD Roundtable on 05 May in Bonn, Germany, and constituted an unprecedented opportunity to share ideas, debate trends and advances, and build legal momentum for climate action. The CLGD 2018 international legal symposium built on the success of CLGD 2015 at La Sorbonne Law School during COP21 in Paris, CLGD 2016 at the Université Privée de Marrakech and Hassane I University during COP22 in Marrakech and CLGD 2017 with the University of the South Pacific and the University of Bonn during COP23 in Bonn.

Highlights from the Day and Proceedings Report

The Climate Law and Governance Day 2018 Proceedings Report, which provides a detailed summary of the proceedings and outcomes of the day, is available here. The event programme is available here. Click here to read a summary of the event on the Centre for international Sustainable Development Law website, and watch highlights from the day below:

What was the focus of CLGD 2018?

The focus of the event was on advances in climate law and governance to implement the global climate regime. The themes of CLGD 2018, as agreed in the legal experts roundtable at the UNFCCC Bonn Climate Conference in May 2018 and in discussion with the partner law faculties and others, included the following: 

  • Legal Incentives for Scaling Up Investment in Paris Agreement Implementation How can new financial flows be encouraged; what are the obstacles and how can they be overcome? What are the roles of new technology and financial instruments, and how do we ensure that we meet adaptation investment priorities at all levels of governance?
  • Advancing a Rule of Law, Climate Justice & Sustainable Development AgendaHow do we support these aspects in an agenda which can deliver climate justice and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? What are the roles of human rights in climate induced displacement? What are innovations in climate litigation?
  • Legal Pathways to Low GHG Emissions Development StrategiesWhat are the innovations, policies and measures helping to deliver Paris Agreement aims as quickly as possible (e.g. phase-outs; NETs/BECCS; climate engineering)? What are the legal ramifications for failing to meet the 1.5°C target including legal status, justice dimensions (e.g. for SIDS)?
  • Advancing Transparency, Compliance and Engagement in the Paris Agreement What is the status of “environmental integrity” in Article 6.2, and the potential of Article 6.4 on the Sustainable Development Mechanism? What is the status of work around Article 13? What is the status of Article 15 and what can be learned from other MEAs regarding non-compliance? How can other relevant modalities, procedures and guidelines, including through the participation of non-state actors, deliver the Paris Agreement objectives most effectively?


How can I find out more?

If you would like to learn more about CLGD 2018, or CLGI’s other involvement at COP24, please contact us at