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On Tuesday, 5 December, more than 1,730 registrants from around the globe joined online and in-person at Middlesex University Dubai for Climate Law and Governance Day (CLGD) 2023, which was co-hosted by partners from the University of Cambridge, Middlesex University Dubai and the University of Dubai, together with the International Law Association, the International Bar Association, the Centre for International Sustainable Development Law, International Development Law Organisation, World Commission on Environmental Law and the International Union for Conservation of Nature. CLGD 2023 focused on Engaging in Global Stocktake through Legal Lenses, with the following four key themes:

  1. Operationalising the Paris Agreement in International Law;
  2. Testing Legal and Governance Tools for High Ambition Implementation;
  3. Advancing Climate Resilience and Justice; and
  4. Net Zero Legal Frameworks to Enable Climate Neutral Investment and Finance.

CLGD 2023 featured a grand opening, three high-level plenaries, and sixteen substantive experts sessions addressing a wide range of pressing climate law and governance challenges and solutions. To see the Full Programme for CLGD 2023, please click here. CLGD 2023 culminated in a celebration of the new laureates of the 2023 Climate Law & Governance Global Leadership Awards and the 2023 International Student Essay Competition (for Laureates, see Annex I).

Climate Law & Governance Initiative (CLGI) 2023 – Highlights & Outcomes Statement

Climate Law and Governance Day 2023 Proceedings Report

Climate Law and Governance Day 2023  Full Programme

Climate Law and Governance Day 2023 Annotated Biographies List