The winners of the 2019 Global Climate Law & Governance Student Essay Competition were announced at a special awards ceremony during Climate Law & Governance Day on 6 December 2019 at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. We are delighted to announce the list of winners below. Congratulations to every student who participated.
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Name | Country | University | Title |
Claudia Lacey | UK | University of Bristol | Disposing the Corporate Paradigm: Tackling Climate Change Caused by Oceanic Plastic Bag Pollution |
Christopher Christiaanse | Netherlands | Delft University of Technology | Zen and the Art of Emission Reduction |
Sofia Salmón Perrilliat | Mexico | Queen Mary University of London | La opinión pública y las normas “no vinculantes” como el mecanismo más efectivo para la protección del medio ambient y el combate al cambio climático |
Hayley Pring | Australia | Oxford University | Two-Level Linkage: Linking Heterogenous Climate Policies through Trade Agreements |
Marta Pereira | Spain | Universidad Nacional Española a Distancia | La regulación sobre cambio climático enfocada a sectores concretos del mercado y el desarrollo de sus estrategias. |
Anusheh Fawad | Canada | University of Waterloo | Examining Gender Responsive Implementation in National Climate Change Policies |
Bea Jian Wei Eric | Singapore | National University of Singapore | If you like SDGs, then you Shoulda Put a Price on It |
Eric Belgorodski | Germany | Ludwig-Maximilians Universität Munich | EU Action under Article 14 UNFCCC: Enforcing International Climate Change Law through Dispute Settlement |
Teo Tze She | Singapore | National University of Singapore | Synergies between Climate Change & Biodiversity: An Ecosystem-based Approach under the Paris Agreement |
Carolina Serrano | Chile | Universidad de Chile | Participación ciudadana y desarrollo sustentable. La importancia de generar una relación de cooperación sostenida en el Siglo XXI |
Nirmalya Chaudhuri | India | West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences | The Role of International Criminal Law in Combating Climate Change |
Esther Jaromitski | Germany | Leiden University College | The United States President and International Environmental Law |
Pablo T Rasmussen | US | Harvard University | The World’s “Best Idea”: Promoting Global Land Conservation |
Sean Sutherland | UK | University of Bristol | Do human rights-based approaches to the protection of biodiversity threaten the ecological conservation objectives underpininng this field of law? |
Carlos A. Cruz Carrillo | Mexico | Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies | Climate Change Litigation and the Fossil Fuel Emissions: The Resistance Strikes Back |
Francisca Soto Monteverde | Chile | University College London | Are Legal Institutions Well-adapted to Environmental Problems? The case of Chile and the US as Examples of Presidential Systems |
Rodrigo Castillo Jofré | Chile | Universidad de Concepción | El agua como bien común: una nueva perspectiva para el control de los efectos hídricos del cambio climático en Chile |
Rahul Ramesh | Australia | Monash University | Environmental Governance in India: Constitutional Rights, Corporate Social Responsibility and International Relations |